Best Sprays for Fire Ants

Best Sprays for Fire Ants October 18th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Those of us who live in temperate climates are lucky that we don’t really have to worry about being injured by insects. Spiders and scorpions that are capable of causing harm to people are restricted mostly to the warmer places on earth. So while […]

Best Sprays for Fire Ants October 18th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Those of us who live in temperate climates are lucky that we don’t really have to worry about being injured by insects. Spiders and scorpions that are capable of causing harm to people are restricted mostly to the warmer places on earth. So while […]

Best Natural Treatments For Ants

Pest Product Review: Best Natural Treatments For Ants October 18th 2019, by Dan Crosfield No one wants to have bugs. That’s why we invented a whole class of chemicals to get rid of them. Chemical pesticides have played an essential role in human society ever since we first started farming. And without them, we wouldn’t […]

Pest Product Review: Best Natural Treatments For Ants October 18th 2019, by Dan Crosfield No one wants to have bugs. That’s why we invented a whole class of chemicals to get rid of them. Chemical pesticides have played an essential role in human society ever since we first started farming. And without them, we wouldn’t […]

Best Ant Sprays

Pest Product Review: Best Ant Sprays June 17th 2023, by Dan Crosfield As far as bug species go, ants don’t inspire the same fear that, say, wasps or bedbugs or cockroaches do. But that doesn’t mean that these creatures are something that you want to find in your home. While ants aren’t generally harmful to […]

Pest Product Review: Best Ant Sprays June 17th 2023, by Dan Crosfield As far as bug species go, ants don’t inspire the same fear that, say, wasps or bedbugs or cockroaches do. But that doesn’t mean that these creatures are something that you want to find in your home. While ants aren’t generally harmful to […]

Do Ants Have Wings?

Do Ants Have Wings? October 17th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Think you saw a swarm of ants with wings and are you wondering what they are and why they fly? Normally, we think of ants as wingless creatures. They get around by walking, and are usually encountered at ground level or crawling up walls. But […]

Ant with wings
Ant with wings

Do Ants Have Wings? October 17th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Think you saw a swarm of ants with wings and are you wondering what they are and why they fly? Normally, we think of ants as wingless creatures. They get around by walking, and are usually encountered at ground level or crawling up walls. But […]

Ant Proof your home

How To Ant Proof Your House

How To Ant Proof Your House October 15th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Having ants on your property is okay as long as they live and stay outside of your home, doing the things they’ve evolved to do. But ants don’t always stay outside. Actually some species like to come inside buildings and prefer to live […]

Ant Proof your home

How To Ant Proof Your House October 15th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Having ants on your property is okay as long as they live and stay outside of your home, doing the things they’ve evolved to do. But ants don’t always stay outside. Actually some species like to come inside buildings and prefer to live […]

What Ants Can Come Inside Your Home?

What Ants Can Come Inside Your Home? October 15th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Ants are made to live outdoors, and that’s where you’ll find most species. But some ant species will happily come inside human homes in search of water, food, and shelter. In the USA and Canada the main offenders inside homes and buildings […]

What ants like to live in your home
What ants like to live in your home

What Ants Can Come Inside Your Home? October 15th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Ants are made to live outdoors, and that’s where you’ll find most species. But some ant species will happily come inside human homes in search of water, food, and shelter. In the USA and Canada the main offenders inside homes and buildings […]

Why Are Carpenter Ants In Your Home?

PEST GUIDE: Why Are Carpenter Ants In Your Home? October 14th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Carpenter ants are striking creatures. As North America’s largest species, adults can reach close to an inch in size. Among ants, that makes them giants. And if you stumble upon a colony of these creatures, you won’t soon forget the […]

PEST GUIDE: Why Are Carpenter Ants In Your Home? October 14th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Carpenter ants are striking creatures. As North America’s largest species, adults can reach close to an inch in size. Among ants, that makes them giants. And if you stumble upon a colony of these creatures, you won’t soon forget the […]

Why Do You Have Ants?

PEST GUIDE: Why Do You Have Ants? October 13th 2019, by Dan Crosfield For most of us, ants are part of life. This highly successful species has managed to spread itself across the world, with billions of individuals on every continent except Antarctica. In that sense, they’re not unlike the insect world’s version of us. […]

PEST GUIDE: Why Do You Have Ants? October 13th 2019, by Dan Crosfield For most of us, ants are part of life. This highly successful species has managed to spread itself across the world, with billions of individuals on every continent except Antarctica. In that sense, they’re not unlike the insect world’s version of us. […]

How to get rid of ants in your garden

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Garden October 11th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Everything in nature has its place. Ants are no exception. Ants are actually vital to the health of the ecosystem, both in the wild and in your garden. As highly successful omnivores (which means they eat almost anything) ants help […]

How to Get Rid of Ants in Your Garden October 11th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Everything in nature has its place. Ants are no exception. Ants are actually vital to the health of the ecosystem, both in the wild and in your garden. As highly successful omnivores (which means they eat almost anything) ants help […]

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your Home

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your Home October 11th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Having an ant invasion in your home is annoying. Ants can cause damage to your home, and they can spread unwanted bacteria. Lets look at the things you should do to quickly get rid of these creepy crawlers. Ants are […]

Howto get rid of ants in your home
Howto get rid of ants in your home

How To Get Rid Of Ants In Your Home October 11th 2019, by Dan Crosfield Having an ant invasion in your home is annoying. Ants can cause damage to your home, and they can spread unwanted bacteria. Lets look at the things you should do to quickly get rid of these creepy crawlers. Ants are […]